Rapid Capture – Brisbane, Australia

Digital Engineering Brisbane

Real world engineering data in high definition digital

What Is Digital Engineering?

The current advancements in technological capabilities and the interoperability of software has created a space where real world assets can be digitally modelled to pre-empt change and digitally engineer solutions proactively.


Digital engineering facilitates a key role in leveraging capabilities of AI and digital ‘twins’ to interrogate models for a vast array of applications. Reality modelling is an essential part of the process in generating a digital model of an asset or infrastructure for management purposes. 

digital engineering solutuins brisbane

The Benefits of Digital Engineering

  • integrate survey data with engineering data management systems
  • easy web-based, or locally hosted, data storage ensuring data can be shared with those who need it
  • high definition data that can be captured once and revisited or captured repeatedly for ongoing management over time
  • combine different data sets for overall clarity eg.  overlay proposed designs over existing infrastructure
  • identify preventative maintenance

Innovative Technology For Digital Engineering Solutions

Our digital solutions for your engineering data will ensure it is seamlessly integrated with existing data and accessible for all stakeholders

Will Digital Engineering Help Your Organisation?

If you manage real world engineering data in a digital environment, then our full scope data management service will help to deliver the digital data that is needed for a project to the right team of people. 


You can be assured that all team members will have access to the necessary data to make informed decisions.  Not only that, but the data will be presented in a format that is easily understood and has contextual accuracy.  

Digital Engineering In Industry

digital engineering brisbane

Rapid Capture Australia Power & Renewable Energies – Asset inspections, especially in difficult to reach areas


Rapid Capture Australia Civil Engineering – Terrain and feature pickup


Rapid Capture Australia Transport – Asset inspection, corridor modelling


Rapid Capture Australia Mining – Stockpile analysis


Rapid Capture Australia Telecommunications – Tower inspections


Rapid Capture Australia Public Utilities – Pit location identification


Give Your Engineering Survey Data Context

Find out how advanced technology solutions can be integrated with your existing data

The Future With Digital Engineering in Australia

Digital engineering places data rich content in front of the right professional at early phases of projects to ensure that informed decisions can be made.  In addition to this, it allows for regular reviewing of site models throughout the project life, and for comparative analysis from design to construction.


The outcome of implementing such powerful digital solutions for clients means that design and communication are completed in a cost-effective manner that allows work to be done on time in a planned and coordinated way.

The Asset Mapping Data Workflow Process

As a digital engineering company, when we undertake a new project with a new client it is important to have a clear understanding between the project requirements and the capabilities of the technology.  To achieve this, we follow the steps below so you are confident of the benefits this technology will offer your organisation.

  1. Understand your specific needs, current systems and operational requirements.
  2. Educate and inform of the technology capabilities and the limitations of the technology.
  3. Align your needs with the capabilities of the technology.
  4. Identify immediate benefits, transferred/inferred benefits, and limitations.

Project Phases

Consultation and Planning 

Collaboration is a fundamental component of the success of an infrastructure asset management project. Rapid Capture can demonstrate the competitive advantages that photogrammetry can provide to your business. Additionally, we will work closely with your business to ensure that your project objectives and deliverable requirements are exceeded. 

The consultation process covers elements such as: 

  • data capture requirements
  • coordination with other digital information and design tools 
  • data management workflows 
  • additional requirements for feature extraction and interoperability
asset inspection

Data Capture

Engineering survey data can be captured using a number of specialised tools. Rapid Capture is equipped to capture photo and laser scan data via RPA, with survey-grade GPS positioning. If existing data sources are available, such as traditional survey data, PointCloud, other RPA captured imagery, or handheld data sets, these can be consolidated into the final photogrammetry model. 

Key quality objectives:  

  • Define the quality/accuracy requirements 
  • Establish coordinated survey datums with ground control points  
  • Define the right level of detail for the 3D photogrammetry model, based on the terrain model and feature string extraction, points of interest and the format requirements for design and engineering purposes.

Model Processing

The captured asset inspection data is processed into a 3D photogrammetry model using software and high-performance computing. Rapid Capture works closely with you to ensure the right level of detail is achieved and results adhere to the interoperability requirements in order to maximise the lifespan and usefulness of the data.  The digital engineering solutions for model processing includes the ability to coordinate multiple types of input sources such as aerial, terrestrial, or mobile scans. 


Feature Extraction and Interoperability

Aerial photogrammetry has a wide range of uses, ranging from engineering design extracts, through to construction validation, and infrastructure assessments and interrogation. The wider digital engineering uses, that will provide additional benefits to other parts of your project or business, include:  

  • 3D Model viewing and interrogation tools.
  • The capability of interoperable formats to different data stores, for digital engineering.  
  • Data extraction – DEM or DSM model (contours or triangulation), PointCloud extraction from mesh, feature strings and points of interest.
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